Synopsis for “The Younger Brothers!! At the Count of Three — Draw!”
In the town of Tumbleweed, Texas, the Two-Gun Kid faces off against the Younger brothers, whom the sheriff has ordered not to enter town. When the Kid proves to be the faster draw of the quartet of men at the edge of town the three Younger Brothers consider themselves outmatched and decide to ride off. The locals cheer the Two-Gun Kid for his bravery but the celebrations are soon cut short when a young woman rides into town on an out of control horse. The Two-Gun Kid bravely puts himself in harms way to stop the runaway horse but the Kid suffers a kick to the head and is knocked out.
Coming to in the doctors office the Two-Gun Kid realizes that the blow to his head has struck him blind. The doctor believes that the blindness will cure itself in a few days, but the Kid worries that the Younger brothers will try to attack the town if they find out, and the town is unprotected with the sheriff out of town for the next three days. As fate would have it, the Kid’s words are no idle fears, as an outlaw named Nick Vargas overhears the prognosis and decides to take advantage of the situation.
A few hours later, the Kid decides to go out and patrol the town using his knowledge of the town and the doctor to follow him. Vargas tries to use this as his time to attack the Kid, knocking the doctor aside and challenging the Kid to a draw. It’s a tense moment, however the Kid is able to pinpoint where Vargas is standing when he shouts the count of three and is able to shoot him in the arm before he can draw. With his vision is coming back the Kid reveals to the doctor and arriving sheriff how he managed to beat Vargas in a draw.
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