Synopsis for “At the Mercy of the Maggia”
Continued from last issue… Iron Man is a prisoner aboard the Maggia’s illegal casino/cruise ship out on international waters and is at the mercy of their assassin Whiplash. Although his armor damaged and his energy reserves almost empty, Iron Man uses the last of his power to knock out Whiplash, however the drain on his energy also causes him to pass out.
Meanwhile on the mainland, Jasper Sitwell is searching for Tony Stark’s cousin Morgan, who was responsible for removing Iron Man from the Stark Industries building. He receives a notice from Nick Fury telling him that Morgan is being escorted onto a private plane by some of the Maggia’s hired guns. Rushing to the airport, Jasper manages to incapacitate the Maggia gunsels and save Morgan who tells Jasper what he had done.
Back aboard the Maggia ship, Whiplash is about to destroy Iron Man when he is stopped by the Big M, who orders him to bring Iron Man into the science lab because Big M had deduced that Iron Man’s last attack was that of a dieing man, and that the Maggia can benefit from unlocking the secret to Iron Man’s armor. As they begin to try and open up Iron Man’s armor with a powerful laser, Iron Man himself regains consciousness but is too weak to free himself.
Suddenly, the ship is rocked by an explosion, as an AIM submarine has arrived to steal Iron Man’s armor for themselves. The resulting attack causes the lower decks of the ship to fill with water. As the Maggia thugs and Big M escape, Iron Man now finds himself trapped to a magnetic table in a room slowly filling with water… This story is continued in Iron Man and Sub-Mariner #1.
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