Synopsis for “A Time of Titans”
Continued from last issue… Namor is furious that Dr. Doom chose to slay one of Attuma’s men in cold blood. Their headed words bring them to blows. Their fight attracts the attention of a US Naval ship. On board the ship is Simon Ryker, who is an expert in cybernetics and has one of his Symbionic Men on board the ship. As the battle between Namor and Dr. Doom rages on, the Sub-Mariner tosses Doom out to sea, causing Doom to crash into the ship. As the two take their fight aboard the vessel, Ryker sees Doom’s armor as a means to power his Symbionic Man. Ryker uses a device to filter power from Doom’s armor and succeeds in getting the required power to his creation.
Doom then knocks Namor out of the ship, and believes that he has killed the Sub-Mariner. Furious that Ryker interfered with his battle, Doom picks the man up and throws him into a control panel before leaving the ship. Doom escapes, deciding that his attempts at forming an alliance with the Sub-Mariner a failure and returns home to plan anew. Namor however has survived the battle as well, and giving into his rage, he vows to get revenge against the surface world once and for all.
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