Synopsis for “Peter Pooper Vs. Gnatman and Rotten”
Tired of seeing news about Spidey-Man everywhere, “The Daily Bagle” editor J. Jawbone Junkton hires Gnatman and Rotten to get rid of Spidey-Man. After a contract is written up, Gnatman and Rotten go searching for Spidey-Man. They find him and a battle filled with mishaps and blunders ensues. Spidey-Man swings away but his webbing is not attached to anything and plummets to the ground, leaving in crutches and bandages. With Spidey-Man out of the picture, Gnatman and Rotten take the spotlight, to J. Junkton’s dismay. While J.J. is looking for Spidey-Man to return, Peter is seen with two girls, a redhead and a blonde, and his suit in the trash.
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