Synopsis for “Hometown Boy”
The story opens with Spider-Man racing to catch a flight to Cleveland to do a story on an electronics convention in Cleveland. Iron Man and Morley Erwin are racing to catch the same flight as they are also attending said covention. At the covention Mark Scarlotti is in attendance searching for a job. After being fired from the Maggia he has returned to his hometown to start over. After finding no offers from the covention, being rejected from his mother’s house, being embarassed by guys in a bar, Mark is about to give up when a Maggia agent shows up with a job…kill Dr Lawrence Eiben at the electronics covention. Back in costume Blacklash returns to the bar and exacts some revenge. Later at the covention he is about to make the kill when he’s spotted by the police. He handles the two officers easily but this gives Iron Man a chance to join the fray. Not familiar with Blacklash’s weapons Rhodey is almost ko’d when Spider-Man arrives on the scene. Blacklash subdues Spider-Man with electric bolas but Iron Man revives enough to blast Blacklash with his uni-beam and help Spider-Man escape. With Dr Eiben long gone from the battle, Blacklash decides his only chance to get back good with the Maggia is by finishing off Iron Man. He begins slicing Iron Man’s armor with the necro-lash. Spider-Man distracts Blacklash and thanks to a tip from Morley Iron Man blast Blacklash’s gauntlets ending the battle. After talking to his lawyer in jail and realizing he is all alone, Mark begins to slowly lose sanity.
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