Synopsis for “Till Death Do Us Part!”
Necrodamus disguises as the Vision and captures the Scarlet Witch in Leonia, where Vision and Scarlet Witch live. Meanwhile the Vision is in New Hampshire with Spider-man in a town called Rain where a group of androids once created by the Mad Thinker live.
There is also the Bugle’s reporter Andrew Pauncholito, who forewarns Spidey that he guessed his secret identity and his intention is to make it public in the paper.
But then Necrodamus shows and explains that he wants the body of the Vision to incapsulate his personality. The Vision accepts in exchange for his wife’s life and so Necrodamus grabs the Vision’s body and powers.
Spider-man fights the Vision but is defeated and Necrodamus/Vision leaves to terrorize the town.But the Scarlet Witch leads Spidey to the battle again and they defeat Necrodamus and free the Vision’s body. Necrodamus seems to die and Andrew Pauncholito decides not to disclosure Spidey’s identity.
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