Synopsis for “At the Mercy of Loki, Prince of Evil!”
Our story begins with Thor rescuing a child from being run over by a speeding truck. On his patrol of the city, Thor receives the telepathic summons of Dr. Strange for his aid. Arriving at Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum he finds Dr. Strange passed out on the ground. Reviving him, Thor learns that Strange was severely weakened after stopping Baron Mordo from casting a spell on the city before. Strange loses consciousness, prompting Thor to call for an ambulance and resumes his mortal guise of Dr. Blake.
Taken to the hospital, Blake preforms surgery on Dr. Strange. At that moment Odin attempts to contact Thor telepathically, to ask him to aid his fellow Asgardians in battle. Blake chooses to ignore Odin’s summons as he is in the middle of a surgery. This prompts Odin’s wrath, causing an electrical storm on Earth that knocks out the power to the hospital. Blake is determined to continue the operation, and in Asgard, Odin leads his warriors into battle without Thor’s aid. With Odin gone, Loki transforms himself into a bee and flies past Heimdall and crosses the Bifrost Bridge to Earth.
Later, after Dr. Strange’s surgery, Blake goes in and checks up on his patient who offers to repay Blake for saving his life. Blake returns to his office where Jane Foster shows him to an old man with a lame leg. This old man trips when standing up to greet Blake that he keels over and the two drop their canes. Getting back up and grabbing one of the canes and handing the other to Blake, the old man suddenly states that he is well, tossing the cane in his hand out a nearby window. The old man then transforms into Loki, who uses a magic mist to put Jane Foster to sleep. Blake, attempts to change into Thor, but soon realizes that during the confusion, Loki had switched canes, and the one that would change him into Thor was tossed out the window. Loki then grabs the unconscious Foster and leaps out if the window taking her hostage.
Blake, unable to find his cane attempts to contact Odin, who doesn’t answer his summons. He then enlists the aid of Dr. Strange, who uses his ectoplasmic form and mystic amulet to find his cane. Blake ends up locating it near the harbor where a bunch of hobos are using it for a fishing rod. Dr. Strange’s ghost form scares the hobos into giving Blake back his cane. With Strange gone, Blake turns into Thor and begins his search for Loki. At this time Odin returns from battle, feels he was too harsh on his son and attempts to contact him again, Thor snaps at Odin for not responding to his request for aid, he then tells Odin to leave him be.
During his search for Foster, Thor runs into his fellow Avengers Iron Man, Giant Man and the Wasp who offer their aid, Thor turns them down stating his quest is a private matter. He then uses his hammer to locate Loki who is hiding out in the Adirondack mountains.
Before confronting Loki, Thor contacts Dr. Strange mentally and asks him to use his magic to help save Jane from Loki. Confronting the god of mischief, Thor learns that Loki had banished Foster to Limbo and threatens to destroy her should Thor attempt to attack. Thor battles Loki, until his foe manages to knock him into a pit that he set as a trap. Then he casts as spell that will kill Jane Foster and sends it into Limbo. However, his spell is blocked due to a counter spell conjured up by Dr. Strange via his mystic amulet.
Thor manages to get out of the pit and fight Loki into submission, and force him to return Jane from Limbo. Just before Loki can attack again, a soldier from Asgard summoned by Odin arrives and takes Loki back to Asgard. Odin contacts Thor and the two make peace. Thor then flies back to the city with Jane, leaving Odin to wonder why his son still loves a mere mortal.
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