Synopsis for “A Twist of Memory — A Turn of Mind!”
Tony visits Jasper in the hospital but finds him still comatose. While driving back to the plant, Tony’s car fills with gas and the White Dragon’s agents spirit him away. The White Dragon was once part of a council that included the father of his love Shara-Lee, but he was judged a coward. He has Tony hooked up to his Transcriber to control his actions. Tony returns to the plant with no memory of his capture. However, the Iron Man armor diminishes the White Dragon’s control. The White Dragon thinks Iron Man is coming after him and sends out his personal army. Iron Man is still groggy from the Transcriber and is easily beaten, but the Avengers and Falcon come to his rescue. Believing that his plot failed, the White Dragon self-destructs the device controlling Tony. The detonation strikes Iron Man while flying back to Stark Industries and he falls from the sky. Kevin finds him and brings him inside. Seeing that Iron Man fell when he sought to destroy Stark, the White Dragon realizes they are one and the same.
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