Synopsis for “The Fury of the Firebrand!”
Eddie March is released from the hospital and Tony Stark greets him with an offer to head a Community Center sponsored by Stark’s Iron Man Foundation to be built in Eddie’s hometown, Bay City. Iron Man presents Eddie to Lyle Bradshaw at the groundbreaking ceremony but protestors claim they don’t want the center. Eddie and Iron Man try to talk to them, but Firebrand arrives, and when Iron Man tries to subdue him, fearing an accidental thermo-Wast will injure someone, a riot breaks out. Iron Man chases Firebrand while Eddie learns from protester Helene Davis that they would rather have investment in local businesses than a white Realtor and construction company make money building a center. Iron Man meets with Eddie in Bradshaw’s office, who refuses to listen to Helene. Firebrand bursts in and abducts Bradshaw whose exposed files reveal he owns the firms building the center. Back at the construction site Iron Man frees Bradshaw, drives off Firebrand, and ends the protest by revealing Bradshaw’s corruption, then offers Eddie a position in the Iron Man Foundation.
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