Synopsis for “The Micro-World of Doctor Doom!”
When the Fantastic Four are plagued by a series of incidents where they suddenly shrink to miniature size and suddenly return to normal, they call on Ant-Man for help. When Ant-Man arrives, he gives Reed a sample of his shrinking gas and leaves to see what he can figure out in his own lab.
After experimenting while the other FF have some leisure time, Reed completes a new version of the formula and the FF ingest it shrinking down to microscopic size. Finding themselves in a Microverse where a kingdom has been taken over by Dr. Doom, the Fantastic Four are defeated by Doom’s warriors and taken prisoner. When Ant-Man returns and finds the FF missing, he shrinks down to microscopic size, and finds himself captured as well.
When the FF free themselves from their prison, they free Ant-Man as well and the five heroes work togeather to fight off Dr. Doom and his followers. Doom retreats by resuming his normal size, and all his minions are rounded up. The restored king of the land thanks the Fantastic Four and Ant-Man for ousting Doom, and the heroes return to their normal size.
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