Synopsis for “Through an Orb Darkly”
While Clea is practicing her mystical powers, Dr. Strange’s Sanctum is infiltrated by Silver Dagger, who believes Strange to be a demon in need of destruction. Mesmerizing Clea and incapacitating Wong, Silver Dagger manages to sneak up behind Strange and stab him in the back with a mystical dagger before stealing the Eye of Agamotto and fleeing with Clea.
Strange survives the attack, however when he tries to use the Orb of Agamotto, however is transports him into the land of Agamotto, where the being presents itself in a form similar to the caterpillar from “Alice in Wonderland”, after a brief battle with the creature, Agamotto sends Strange off to the center of the Orb, where he may find freedom.
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