Synopsis for “Battle in Ogeon!”
In Tunnel World, Dr. Strange, Namor, Hulk and Aeroika sneak into the city of Ogun in order to overthrow Ytitnedion and free his people as well as over throw the Unnamable. While on Earth, the Defenders return home and Nighthawk is taken into custody of the FBI for breaching his subpoena to not don his costume.
Back in Tunnel World, the Defenders there learn that Ytitnedion had captured the wizard Xhoohx and his Orb of Ommennon as well. When they are spotted by Yttitnedion’s guards, they battle them and the giant war machines, however during the fight the Hulk is downed by and captured all this a part of the Unnamable’s plans to use the Hulk to suit its own ends.
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