Synopsis for “Now Send… The Scorpion!”
While Daredevil is testing out his prowess to see if he is fully recovered, the Black Widow receives a call from Ivan warning her not to come after him. Not heeding his warning the Black Widow finds herself captured by Mr. Klein’s latest employed super-villain: The Scorpion.
While Karen Page seeks continued comfort from her agent Phil, Matt (unaware that Karen is in the city) revises and rebuilds his Billy Club. Just as he’s completed it he’s alerted by a noise, and investigating finds the unconscious Ivan and a note asking Daredevil to come to a predetermined location and that Black Widow is the attacker’s hostage.
Battling the Scorpion in Central Park, DD is easily kept at bay because of the added inclusion of a laser weapon to the Scorpion’s arsenal. While DD manages to disarm his foe, the Scorpion manages to get away. Meanwhile, Foggy decides to handle the threats of Mr. Klein, and soon learns the true identity of Mr. Klein (The robot Assassin) who informs Foggy that he will now work for him.
Daredevil manages to track the Scorpion to the top of a building under construction and during the battle, the Black Widow gets free and helps DD in the fight. In the heat of the battle, the Black Widow accidentally knocks the Scorpion off the edge the building and the crook falls to his apparent death. After the fight is over, an eyewitness claims that the Black Widow killed the Scorpion in cold blood.
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