Synopsis for “Prison Reform!”
Cap is placed into Ryker’s Island to test its security. The former warden Carlisle had set the main entrance to open to the words “Captain America”. Earlier, when a prisoner unknowingly blurts out this name in conversation, a major prison break took place. Cap allows himself to be publicly imprisoned at Ryker’s and to be monitored, but he plans to eventually make his break.
While incarcerated Captain America encounters his old nemesis “Thumper” Morgan and “Deacon (from Tales of Suspense #62. Cap also has a plan to try to rehabilitate a young convict named Tony Zack. Despite the scheming of “Thumper” and “Deacon”, Cap does make a successful break and he is able to reach Tony Zack about getting on the right path. As the story, ends prison officials bemoan that Ryker’s failed its security test. However, Ms. Hildy, reports that Ryker’s did not fail because when you imprison Captain America, you imprison the very spirit of freedom itself.
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