Synopsis for “Who Was That Goblin I Saw You With?”
Continued from last issue… Spider-Man, Silvermane and the Green Goblin are falling to the ground of the Radio City Music Hall. However, the Goblin recovers his glider, capturing Spider-Man and leaving Silvermane to crash to the ground. The Goblin then takes Spider-Man off to have his final revenge. While at the Goblin’s hideout, Harry Osborn has freed himself and decides to go after the Goblin himself in a spare Goblin costume.
Meanwhile, the Goblin has taken Spider-Man to the factory where he disposed of the Spider-Clone, and the two resume their battle. During the fight, Spider-Man manages to unmask the Goblin, revealing him to be Harry’s psychiatrist Barton Hamilton. Hamilton reveals that he learned of the Green Goblin’s devices through hypnotic regression sessions with Harry, and fancied himself to become the new Green Goblin. Knowing of Spider-Man’s identity he was the one that took the photos of Spider-Man disposing of the Spider-Clone.
Finishing his story, Hamilton and Spider-Man are surprised when Harry — in his own Goblin costume — attacks Hamilton. The two have a duel of Goblins, when Harry finally is sick of posing as the Goblin, he tears off his costume and proclaims that the Goblin is dead. Barton then pulls out a small explosive and threatens to blow them all up, however Hamilton stumbles over his own feet and becomes the only victim of his weapon.
Once all is done and over with, Peter Parker takes Harry back to his apartment, where Harry is happy to find that Liz Allen has returned to him, Peter decides to leave the couple to some privacy and walks home wondering when he himself will find true happiness like they have.
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