Synopsis for “The Sandman Always Strikes Twice”
Pete is upset by the death of Dr. Bradley Bolton and tries to relieve his anguish by taking it out on petty street thugs. After almost beating a thug to death, Pete is ready to swing home but decides not to. Meanwhile, Flint Marko is being transported to a federal prison inside a specially designed armored car when he’s busted loose by 2 costumed thugs. The Sandman is driven to an unnamed boss who tells him that he’s been freed to acquire a Cryogenic Converter across town. Sandman reluctantly accepts the offer and decides to make it worth his while. Spider-Man is continuing to swing around town when suddenly his Spider-Senses feel a nearby Spider-Tracer calling to his attention. Investigating what it is, Spider-Man learns it’s a trap by the Sandman! After almost getting turned into an ice cube himself by the Cryogenic Converted, Spider-Man turns the tables and freezes the Sandman for his capture.
The Marvel Comics Database.
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