Week of July 18th
This is a tough week there are a lot of good new comic books coming out this week, but Friday is the release of The Dark Knight Rises. We can’t seem to get that movie out of our head or the amazing TRUE IMAX film we’ll get to watch it on.
Marvel’s got the next installment of Avengers vs X-Men which is starting to get really good. Secret Service by Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons is also out this week. That’s a fun story from the co-creator of Kick-Ass and artist of Watchmen.
Before Watchmen is still going strong with Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre coming out this week. Each of the Before Watchmen Mini-Series has been fantastic in its own unique way. If you haven’t read Watchmen in a while now is a great time. It’s very interesting to see how these stories devolved from the original work of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.
Many other titles this week like: Fables, Mars Attacks, Fantastic Four, Saga, Wonder Woman! Some Really Great reads but The Dark Knight Rises casts its shadow over them all.
Here’s what you should be reading getting yourself ready for the Dark Knight Saga, Frank Miller’s Master piece “The Dark Knight Returns” any of the Jeph Loeb Tim Sale Batman like The Long Halloween, Joker by Brain Azzerallo, Knightfall where Bane breaks the Bat, Batman: Year One by Frank Miller. After reading any of those catch a Dark Knight Movie Marathon Brenden Theatres is doing one or find a Blu-ray player and watch them at home before your midnight screenings.
Congrates to the winners of The Dark Knight Rises Ultimate Trivia Challenge and hope they have a great time at the Early Screening Of the Dark Knight Rises we sent them to.

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