tpull’s Corner
tpull takes a look at DC The New 52 1 year later. Check out part 1 here to see how it began.
DC The New 52 Continuity changes
DC makes big announcements whenever they introduce a “diverse” character. They make tons of loud noises about being sensitive, and try to put a politically correct face on everything. Which made it all the stranger when they revised women who didn’t need changing. In the middle of all the announcements about characters debuting from different nationalities and races and sexual preferences (a war they are losing to Marvel, who has been introducing them by the truckload for years), we get a Starfire who has turned from an alien immigrant with much innocence in many areas of life into a careless sex freak that erases some of the best stories and most meaningful character development pieces from her relationship with Dick Grayson.
We get rather blatant sexuality in the first Catwoman issue, and we get an Amanda Waller. Amanda, who used to embody her nickname of “the Wall,” is now a supermodel. Somewhere in the halls of DC, it was decided that overweight people need not apply to any job in the DC The New 52 superhero universe. Even if you’re an administrative person, you have to be chock full of the super-sexy looks. Add to that the tons of cheesecake shots that tediously got out of hand the first couple months, and it’s hard to believe this initiative was aimed at new readers, as opposed to the old stereotype of lonely nerds who desperately need a girlfriend.
Since this is my catch-all area about continuity, let me add irritation for Flash #11, where our time was wasted with an editorial footnote explaining that Crime Alley was in Gotham City. Are we two-year-olds now? 99% of the world knows about Gotham City, and the very name “Crime Alley” conveys the impression of what the Flash meant to convey. Most of the readership finds editorial notes like that insulting, and the newer readers understand the subtleties of a place named “Crime Alley” just fine without you stopping to explain how it all ties into your grand universe. Ugh.
Check back in 2 days for the conclusion of DC The New 52 Failures.
tpull is Travis Pullen. He started reading comics at 5 years old, and he can’t seem to stop
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The new 52 has screwed up and has ruined a LOT of stuff in the DC universe. I mean, Amanda Waller now looks like a….super model?!!! I didn’t know that (it’s worse than I thought). out of most of the unbelievable bullshit D.ont C.are Comics has put out this is towards the top. What they did to Waller is one of my biggest gripes with DC. They’re basically saying that women are only allowed to look a certain way for them to be interesting. But that’s also the same reasoning behind their magical cure that made Barbara Gordon Batgirl again.
It has messed up so many things, it’s not even funny anymore. At the this, i actually miss the real DC Universe!!!
Because female empowerment means being a skinny whore. Thanks DC.