We got a big announcement to make about the up coming Amazing Spider-Man film from Sony Pictures. We are teaming up with Brenden Theatre for their midnight release event and not so midnight 7pm showing of Amazing Spider-Man. If you haven't bought tickets come down and see us we will be there all night and get your IMAX tickets to take advantage of a special promotion opening … [Read more...]
Why I love Aquaman… Yes, you read that right.
Often while I am ringing someone up at Cosmic Comics in Las Vegas I am frequently asked "Hey, what are you currently reading?" considering I often ask the same thing of customers I generally have one or two titles in mind to suggest: Batman & Robin is always my first pick seeing how I love Damien as Robin, my second pick seems to shock people, which isn't surprising since … [Read more...]
Spider-Men #1 Review – Amazing Meets Ultimate
Spider-Men #1 Review Spider-Men is the inevitable meeting of the two Spider-Man universes. The Peter Parker Spider-Man expresses his love for New York City as he does his usual rounds of keeping the peace. Off in the distance there's an explosion of brilliant light that demands his attention. While investigating, Spider-Man tangles with a well known and dangerous nemesis. The … [Read more...]
What We’re Reading!
Before Watchmen: Minutemen was a joy to read and Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre is sure to stand out this week! Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre also has a Jim Lee 1 in 200 Variant so keep your eyes peeled for that. Tickets for The Dark Knight Rises went on sale this week starting the Dark Knight Hype. Heroclix is cooming out with is own mini set of Dark Knight figures that run … [Read more...]
New Comics!
Before Watchmen, The Walking Dead, AvX, & more! Before Watchmen is here! Whatever your feelings are on DC Comics adding to the Watchmen story line, trust us when we say that you'll want to read these new stories. Before Watchmen: Minutemen #1, written and illustrated by Darwyn Cooke (who did an awesome run on The Spirit) is the first Before Watchmen title to … [Read more...]
The Amazing Spider-Man 4 Minute Super Preview
Here's The Amazing Spider-Man 4 Minute Super Preview that aired during the May 14th episode of America's Got Talent. httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16AwVWvjQhY&hd=1 The Amazing Spider-Man stars Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker, Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, Rhys Ifans as Dr. Connors and Denis Leary as Captain Stacy. The untold story begins in theaters July 3, 2012. … [Read more...]
Takio #1 Review. 1st Issue Collector’s Item!! BOOM!
Takio #1 Review Brian Michael Bendis seems to have his hands in everything these days, even out of left field gems like Takio. Bendis has teamed up with Michael Deming to create an adorable sister superhero duo for the whole family. Taki and her kid sister Olivia with their friend Kelly fall prey to a science experiment gone wrong. After the dust clears the three of them … [Read more...]