Synopsis for “A Book Burns in Citrusville”
Story continued from last issue and Giant-Size Man-Thing #4… Following the Mad Viking’s murder spree in the swamps, and the Man-Thing’s rampage of a local high school, Citrusville is under a strict curfew as the authorities and vigilantly groups try to track down both menaces. As Richard Rory reports the news, Olivia Selby, concerned mother, becomes outraged that her daughters education includes a course in sex education and demands that something be done.
Meanwhile, a group of hunters find the Man-Thing and think they down the creature, however in reality the monster had passed out due to all the months of exposure to different emotions caused the mire-monster to collapse into a coma of sorts. With permission of the mayor, they dump the muck-monster into the Citrusville sewer treatment plant. When Richard Rory hears the news, he is upset and gets chewed out by his boss Mr. Carpenter for abandoning his post. Rory is ordered to cover the address the mayor plans to give about the rampages.
When Richard covers the story for his radio station, Olivia Selby takes control of the speech to demand that all the “commie pinko perverts” influence be removed from their schools. The Mad Viking appears and manages to gain approval of the mob that’s forming when he mirrors Selby’s mentality and blames the education system for making “wimps” instead of real men. When they try to burn the offending text books, Richard tries to stop them and talk sense into the mob. Not willing to listen the Viking knocks out Richard with a single punch and leads the angry mob to the high school where they intend to burn all the books there.
This story is continued next issue…
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