Synopsis for “The Mighty Avengers Meet The Masters Of Evil!”
Baron Zemo, the man behind the cause of Bucky’s death discovers that Captain America is still alive. Collecting together the Black Knight, Radioactive Man and the Melter, the Masters of Evil are formed. While the Masters of Evil spray the city with ‘Adhesive X’, a powerful glue for which there is no solution, the Avengers attack. Captain America and Giant-Man get trapped by the adhesive and the Avengers withdraw to try and find a solution for it.
Wasp remembers that a criminal behind bars called Paste-Pot Pete might be able to help. After receiving the solution they free Captain America and Giant-Man, and attack the Masters again. Swapping their canisters of Adhesive X for the solution, the Masters unwittingly free the city from the adhesive. The Avengers then win the battle.
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